Revision [1562]

This is an old revision of Functions made by DavidLee on 2010-11-18 10:40:37.



The following functions come with xmlsh. Those in the "Core" set are in the main (unnamed) namespace and can be used without an import statement.
Other functions are available only after importing the corresponding module.

quoteCoreConcatenate all arguements as a single string and quote it
QNameCoreCreates a QName
jnewCoreCreates a Java Object
integerXSCasts argument as an xs:integer
stringXSCasts argument as an xs:string
closeReaderStAXCloses a StAX Reader
getAttributeStAXGets an attribute value from a StAX START_ELEMENT Event
getDataStAXGets the Data of a StAX Event
getEventTypeStAXGets event type of a StAX Event
getNameStAXGets name of a StAX Event as a QName
getNamespaceStAXGets namespace URI of a StAX Event as a String
hasNextStAXAdvances the StAX Stream to the next matching event
nextEventStAXReturns the next event

See Also XS Functions
See Also StAX Functions
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