Function getData
This function is part of the StAX support.
getData returns the data (text) portion of a CHARACTERS event.Synopsis
getData( $event )Description
getData return the data of a CHARACTERS event as a string.
The $event argument must be a CHARACTERS event returned from nextEvent.
To use the StAX functions you need to import them into either the global namespace or a local namespace.
Its recommended that you use a local namespace so that there is less chance of name collisions.
Example: process every START_EVENT for element named "element" and print the attribute value for "attr"
Given an xml file "file.xml"
<element attr="attr1"/>
<element attr="attr2">String</element>
<element attr="attr1"/>
<element attr="attr2">String</element>
import commands stax=stax reader=stax:newEventReader( file.xml ) while [ stax:hasNext( $reader CHARACTERS ) ] ; do event=stax:nextEvent( $reader ) ; data=stax:getData( $event attr ) echo $data done stax:closeReader $reader
StAX Functions
Java Objects