Revision [1907]

Last edited on 2014-02-11 23:26:24 by DavidLee
||-input-encoding encoding||Sets both text and xml input encoding||
||-output-encoding encoding||Sets both text and xml output encoding||
||-sequence-sep string||specifies the sequence separator string used when serializing sequences to text
||-sequence-sep string||specifies the sequence seperator string used when serializing sequences to text

Revision [1869]

Edited on 2012-10-31 20:04:49 by DavidLee
||-text-encoding encoding||The default encoding any time that text is read or written and otherwise the encoding is not known. Defaults to the java file.encoding property. Sets both -input-text-encoding and -output-text-encoding||
||-input-text-encoding encoding||The default encoding any time that text is read and the encoding is not known. Defaults to the java file.encoding property.||
||-input-xml-encoding encoding||Default encoding used for parsing xml||
||-xml-encoding encoding||Default encoding used for parsing and serializing xml||
||-output-xml-encoding encoding||Default encoding used for serialized xml||
||-text-encoding encoding||The default encoding any time that text is encountered and otherwise the encoding is not known. Defaults to the java file.encoding property.||
||-xml-encoding encoding||Default encoding used for serialized xml||

Revision [1079]

Edited on 2009-12-03 09:59:28 by DavidLee
||-sequence-sep string||specifies the sequence seperator string used when serializing sequences to text
default is LF||
||-sequence-term string||specifies the sequence terminator string used when serializing sequences to text
default is LF||

Revision [1041]

Edited on 2009-11-25 18:13:17 by DavidLee
||-text-encoding encoding||The default encoding any time that text is encountered and otherwise the encoding is not known. Defaults to the java file.encoding property.||
||-encoding encoding||sets both the text-encoding and xml-encoding option||
||-supports-dtd||indicates if the parser should support DTD validation||
||-omit-xml-declaration||Omit the leading xml declaration.||
||-indent||Indent text serialized xml for more human friendly output||
||-xml-encoding encoding||Default encoding used for serialized xml||
||-content-type type||specifies the content type||
||-method output-method||specifies the output method, must be one of (text,html,xml,xhtml)||
- -text-encoding encoding - The default encoding any time that text is encountered and otherwise the encoding is not known. Defaults to the java file.encoding property.
- -encoding encoding - sets both the text-encoding and xml-encoding option
- -supports-dtd - indicates if the parser should support DTD validation
- -omit-xml-declaration - Omit the leading xml declaration.
- -indent - Indent text serialized xml for more human friendly output
- -xml-encoding - Default encoding used for serialized xml
- -content-type type - specifies the content type
- -method output-method - specifies the output method, must be one of (text,html,xml,xhtml)

Revision [894]

Edited on 2009-11-24 16:08:12 by DavidLee
Example of setting +indent globally using the [[CommandSet set]] command
Example of setting +indent globally using the [[CommandSet]] command

Revision [893]

Edited on 2009-11-24 16:07:51 by DavidLee
Example of setting +indent globally using the [[CommandSet]] command

Revision [892]

Edited on 2009-11-24 16:07:00 by DavidLee
set +indent

Revision [891]

Edited on 2009-11-24 16:06:08 by DavidLee

Revision [890]

Edited on 2009-11-24 16:05:35 by DavidLee
Indentation is controlled with the -indent option. Default is indentation.
xecho <[ <foo><bar/></foo> ]>
xecho +indent <[ <foo><bar/></foo> ]>

Revision [888]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-11-24 15:56:38 by DavidLee
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