Release notes for version 1.2.3 - 2013-03-22

2013-03-22 11:06:53 EDT daldei
Version prep for xmlsh 1.2.3

2013-03-22 11:03:45 EDT daldei

2013-03-18 14:52:05 EDT daldei
FIxed Here document if there is an EOF instead of EOL as the last byte in stream.

2013-03-09 15:59:18 EST daldei
Update copyright notice

2013-03-09 08:27:31 EST daldei
Added xwc command
Improved xcat command line handling
Added RANDOM32 and RANDOM64 env variables

2013-02-17 11:18:04 EST daldei
Fix source command when given a module prefix
Fix cd so that it doesnt get a NPE if given a wildcard that doesnt exist.

2013-02-09 13:50:38 EST daldei
Add json commands to help xml

2013-02-08 12:22:43 EST daldei
Enhance xuri to allow pre-encoded query arguments to be supplied
Enhance source (.) to allow resource or URI scripts to be sourced
Improve argument expansion so "$@" works properly in the face of complex strings
fix regression in xurlencode that required 2 args even if not in -q mode

2013-02-05 09:53:10 EST daldei
Add a Log window to xmlshui

2013-01-27 13:45:44 EST daldei
Addded tests for JSON functions

2013-01-27 09:43:03 EST daldei
Add support for native json via functions j:object() j:array() etc

2013-01-26 12:10:15 EST daldei
Undo checkin of 3rd party libaries

2013-01-24 10:14:43 EST daldei
Added -q option to xurlencode to encode name/value pairs in URL encoding format.

2013-01-23 09:57:21 EST daldei
Fix classpath for unix xmlsh scripts

2013-01-22 08:12:57 EST daldei
Added native json support and json path support

2013-01-19 12:14:27 EST daldei
Updated all startup scripts to include new jars needed for http

2013-01-19 12:12:04 EST daldei
Converted http command to use Apache HttpComponents to support digest authentication

2013-01-01 18:43:38 EST daldei
Fix null pointer exception in posix rm when encountering a directory which doesnt allow read permission

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