Revision [1900]

Last edited on 2013-07-03 19:11:20 by NickR [Corrected a small copy/paste misleading infelicity]
deldir is implemented as an xsh script which simply calls query. The source of the script is
ml:query -q "xdmp:directory-delete(\"$uri\")"
del is implemented as an xsh script which simply calls query. The source of the script is
ml:query -q "xdmp:document-delete(\"$uri\")"

Revision [1280]

Edited on 2010-03-01 14:54:47 by DavidLee [Corrected a small copy/paste misleading infelicity]

No Differences

Revision [1279]

Edited on 2010-03-01 14:53:12 by DavidLee [Corrected a small copy/paste misleading infelicity]
To delete a document use [[MarkLogicDel del]]
To delete a fileuse [[MarkLogicDel del]]

Revision [1242]

Edited on 2010-02-17 12:04:12 by DavidLee [Corrected a small copy/paste misleading infelicity]
||-c,connect uri||Use the connection string instead of $MLCONNECT||
||-connect uri
-c uri|| Use the connection string instead of $MLCONNECT||

Revision [968]

Edited on 2009-11-25 04:46:03 by DavidLee [Corrected a small copy/paste misleading infelicity]

No Differences

Revision [967]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-11-25 04:10:10 by DavidLee [Corrected a small copy/paste misleading infelicity]
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