How to run xmlsh interactively

Running xmlsh interactively is a good way to learn the program and to test out small pieces of scripts. Commands run interactivelly run exactly the same as in a script, unlike some command line programs such as Windows CMD.EXE which use different syntax in a script and interactively.

Once xmlsh is installed then start xmlsh with no arguments and it will interactively as a shell.

Like any program, to find xmlsh your operating system environment needs to find the program. You can do this 3 ways.
I suggest using the PATH variable so that you dont have to locate xmlsh every time you want to run it.

XMLSH can be installed in any directory. These examples assume you have installed xmlsh in the following location:

C:\Program Files\xmlsh


Use Full Path

You can use the full path to the xmlsh startup script.

Windows Example:
"C:\Program Files\xmlsh\win32\xmlsh"

Unix Example

Run from current directory

To run from the current directory you must first CD to the xmlsh startup directory then run "xmlsh"

Windows Example
cd "C:\Program Files\xmlsh\win32\xmlsh"

Unix Example
cd /usr/local/xmlsh/unix/xmlsh

Use the system PATH variable

The suggested way to run xmlsh is by putting the startup directory into the PATH variable.
On both unix and windows this can be done by editing the "system environment" or by using a command after you start the shell.
In either case, you want to add the startup directory to the PATH variable, how edit your system environment is beyond the scope of this HowTo as it depends on many factors such as exactly which OS version you are running and which login shell you use.

The directory to add is the same as in the above examples, assuming that xmlsh was installed in the directory above.

These commands will set the PATH variable interactively

Windows Directory
SET PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files\xmlsh\win32"

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/xmlsh/unix"

Once the path is set, either locally or in your system environment you can run xmlsh interactively by simply typing "xmlsh"


See the xmlsh for more details


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