Revision [1833]

Last edited on 2012-05-15 15:33:07 by DavidLee
- [[CommandWc wc]] - word count

Revision [1673]

Edited on 2011-01-14 10:47:43 by DavidLee
- [[CommandMktemp mktemp]] - Create a temporary file or directory

Revision [1646]

Edited on 2010-12-22 05:38:18 by DavidLee
- [[CommandBase64 base64]] - ""Base64"" encode/decode
- [[CommandTee tee]] - Read from standard input and write to standard output and files
- [[CommandTouch touch]] - Create and update timestamp of a file
- [[CommandBase64 base64]] - Base64 encode/decode
- [[CommandTouch touch]] - create and update timestamp of a file

Revision [1380]

Edited on 2010-05-13 05:24:25 by DavidLee
To import into the p namespace prefix
import commands p=posix
To import into the posix namespace
import commands posix=posix

Revision [1346]

Edited on 2010-04-19 19:09:08 by DavidLee

Revision [1345]

Edited on 2010-04-19 19:08:43 by DavidLee
- [[CommandBase64 base64]] - Base64 encode/decode
- [[CommandBase64]] - Base64 encode/decode

Revision [1343]

Edited on 2010-04-19 18:42:19 by DavidLee
- [[CommandBase64]] - Base64 encode/decode
- ||[[CommandBase64]] - Base64 encode/decode

Revision [1342]

Edited on 2010-04-19 18:42:10 by DavidLee
- The options are not as rich as the equivalent OS commands and may not be identical.
- The options are not as rich as the equivalent OS commands.

Revision [1341]

Edited on 2010-04-19 18:41:42 by DavidLee
- The options are not as rich as the equivalent OS commands.
It is recommended that you import the Posix commands using a prefix rather then into the global namespace otherwise you will be unable to access the OS commands of the same name without using their full path.
- ||[[CommandBase64]] - Base64 encode/decode

Revision [1208]

Edited on 2010-02-15 09:34:53 by DavidLee
- [[CommandMore more]] - Simple Paginator

Revision [622]

Edited on 2009-06-13 12:19:59 by DavidLee
You may want to **use **these commands even if they exist in the environment for the following reasons
You may want to **avoid **these commands for the following reasons
- There are some things these commands cannot do which the native OS commands can, due to being based (limited by) java API's. For example the [[CommandChmod chmod]] command cannot set group permissions or setuid modes.
- [[CommandChmod chmod]] - Change file permissions
You may want to use these commands even if they exist in the environment for the following reasons
You may want to avoid these commands for the following reasons

Revision [618]

Edited on 2009-05-31 16:29:30 by DavidLee

No Differences

Revision [597]

Edited on 2009-05-30 08:49:42 by DavidLee
- Consistant with xmlsh internal environment model
- Since these commands are implemented using the internal API they will produce results more consistant with the internal model. For example the cygwin "pwd" command can give different results then the xmlsh posix "pwd" command due to cygwin's differing model of the filesystem.

Revision [596]

Edited on 2009-05-30 08:47:27 by DavidLee
- [[CommandPwd pwd]] - print current working directory

Revision [587]

Edited on 2009-05-30 06:22:46 by DavidLee

Revision [584]

Edited on 2009-05-30 06:16:04 by DavidLee
- [[CommandSleep sleep]] - Delay execution
- [[CommandSleep sleep] - Delay execution

Revision [583]

Edited on 2009-05-30 06:15:50 by DavidLee
- [[CommandMv mv]] - Move/Rename files
- [[CommandRmdir rmdir]] - Remove/Delete directories
- [[CommandSleep sleep] - Delay execution
- [[CommandLs ls]] - list files in a directory
- [[CommandCp mv]] - Move/Rename files

Revision [582]

Edited on 2009-05-30 06:09:48 by DavidLee
To use the Posix commands you need to [[CommandImport import]] them into either the global namespace or a local namespace.
Its recommended that you use a local namespace so that you still have access to the system commands of the same name.
To import into the posix namespace
import commands posix=posix
To import into the global namespace
import commands posix
====Advantages / Disadvantages ====
You may want to use these commands even if they exist in the environment for the following reasons
- They are very fast.
- These commands are run in the shell's JVM and do not require starting a subprocess.
- No dependancy on environment
- You can use these commands to write scripts that do not depend on them existing in the environment. The test cases use these commands so they can run on Windows without presuming you have cygwin installed.

You may want to avoid these commands for the following reasons
- They are less feature-full then the coresponsing OS commands.
- They are not as mature, these commands are a simple implementation using core java methods and may not be as roboust as the OS commands.
- [[CommandCp cp]] - copy one or more files
- [[CommandCat cat]] - copy or concatenate files
- [[CommandCp mv]] - Move/Rename files
- [[CommandRm rm]] - Remove/Delete files
- [[CommandMkdir mkdir]] - Create directories
- [[CommandTouch touch]] - create and update timestamp of a file
- [[CommandCsv2xml csv2xml]] - convert csv file to xml

Revision [581]

Edited on 2009-05-30 05:48:00 by DavidLee
=====Posix Commands=====
==Posix Commands=====

Revision [580]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-05-30 05:47:51 by DavidLee
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