Revision [1157]

This is an old revision of CommandXed made by DavidLee on 2010-02-05 13:37:31.


Command xed


xed evaluate an XPATH expression and edits every matching node outputing the result document


xed [ serialization options ] [options]



-i input
-input input
use input as the source xml document, otherwise stdin
if input is an XML expression then use it directly (dont treat as filename).
-n do not use a source context
-r replace expr
-replace expr
replace expr. If replace is string then replace the child text of matching nodes,
if replace is an XML expression then replace the matching node with the expression.
-d Delete matching expression
-a expr
-add expr
Adds the expression (string, element, attribute) to all matching nodes
-xpath xpath-expr
-e xpath-expr
xpath expression
-matches matches-expr
-m matches-expr
XSLT matches expression
-ren string
-rename string
Renames the matching element or attribute to a new name
-vRead remaining pairs of arguments as name/value pairs to assign as xpath variables

Supports the standard [ serialization options ]


Replaces the the node matching the xpath express node with a text node "text"
xed -i file.xml -r text //node 

Adds an attribute to all file elements

xed -a -matches file <[ attribute { "attr" } { "value" } ]>

Return Value

Returns 0 if the the xpath expression executed successfully. otherwise 1

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