Revision [1518]

Last edited on 2010-10-12 10:14:27 by DavidLee
log -c com.mycom.MyClass -p debug This is a debug info
log -c com.mycom.MyClass -l debug This is a debug info

Revision [1218]

Edited on 2010-02-15 09:58:23 by DavidLee
||-c,-class classname||Use classname as the class for log4j. Default is the org.xmlsh.commands.builtin.log||
||-p,-priority priority||Specify the priority. One of debug,info,warn,error,fatal. Default: info||
||-c classname
-class classname||Use classname as the class for log4j. Default is the org.xmlsh.commands.builtin.log||
||-p priority
-priority priority||Specify the priority. One of debug,info,warn,error,fatal. Default: info||

Revision [1179]

Edited on 2010-02-05 17:43:32 by DavidLee

Revision [1099]

Edited on 2009-12-27 07:49:07 by DavidLee
Log serializes each argument as per [[CommandEcho echo]], separating each argument with a space. The resulting string is written to the log4j log.
Log serializes each argument as per [[CommandEcho echo]], separating each argument with a space. The resulting string is written to log4j log.

Revision [1098]

Edited on 2009-12-27 07:48:38 by DavidLee
||-c classname
-class classname||Use classname as the class for log4j. Default is the org.xmlsh.commands.builtin.log||
||-p priority
-priority priority||Specify the priority. One of debug,info,warn,error,fatal. Default: info||
Log serializes each argument as per [[CommandEcho echo]], separating each argument with a space. The resulting string is written to log4j log.
log Started running program
log -c com.mycom.MyClass -l debug This is a debug info

Revision [1097]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-12-27 07:40:03 by DavidLee
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