Revision [835]
This is an old revision of AntTask made by DavidLee on 2009-10-29 08:45:45.
Calling from Ant
xmlsh can be called from ant as a custom ant task.
The xmlsh task is defined using an the <taskdef> task.
See the ant docs on Writing your Own Task.
The <taskdef> task defines the name for the xmlsh task, the class name and the classpath to xmlsh.jar
An example of a taskdef for calling xmlsh
<taskdef name="xmlsh" classname="org.xmlsh.ant.XmlshTask" classpath="../../bin/xmlsh.jar"/>
You can then call xmlsh by using the <xmlsh> task. Xmlsh scripts can be called by filename, or by embedding the script. If calling by filename then the arguments may be specified using the <arg value="argument"/> element.
An example of calling the xmlsh script "test.xsh" passing 2 argumuments
<xmlsh script="test.xsh"> <arg value="arg1"/> <arg value="arg2"/> </xmlsh>
The xmlsh script can be passed inline as text content to the task. This should be enclosed in a CDATA section if it contains special XML charactors ( < , & ) which are common in xmlsh scripts.
A simple example with no special charactors
<xmlsh> xls </xmlsh>
An example with special charactors
<xmlsh> <![CDATA[ xslt -f xslt.xsl < file.xml > output.xml ]]> </xmlsh>