Release 1.1.7

2011-07-26 08:57:57 EDT daldei
Update to release 1.1.7

2011-07-22 16:23:44 EDT daldei
Optimize modules to not reload if already loaded.
Added xgunzip and xgzip command
Fixed file reference problem in xsplit which could hold open input file

2011-07-12 07:56:30 EDT daldei
added -cache and -close options to xsql

2011-07-08 15:35:07 EDT daldei
First pass at updating copyright notice

2011-07-01 09:37:05 EDT daldei
Deleted mistaken file "e"

2011-07-01 09:35:46 EDT daldei
Added -max argument to csv2xml and added a test for it.

2011-06-27 13:44:28 EDT daldei
Add optional javadoc to build target
Add optional constructor to FileOutputPort to avoid creating a File object immedeately.

2011-06-24 19:35:42 EDT zearin
Minor edits for consistent capitalization, punctuation, and verb tense

2011-06-24 19:33:49 EDT zearin
Minor edits for consistent capitalization, punctuation, and verb tense

2011-06-24 19:28:42 EDT zearin
Minor edits for consistent capitalization, punctuation, and verb tense

2011-06-24 19:15:13 EDT zearin
Fixed typo (xlmsh :P)

2011-06-20 13:47:01 EDT daldei
Test case output for xs_decimal

2011-06-20 13:26:36 EDT daldei
Added a xs:decimal funcvtion and tests.
Fixed the unix xmlsh script to not echo the classpath.

2011-06-13 15:57:00 EDT daldei
Use file: scheme URI's for all systemID's when loaded from a file.
Fixes problem with XOM's xinclude implementation when given windows style absolute paths.

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