Revision [1236]

This is an old revision of CommandXslt made by DavidLee on 2010-02-15 10:26:56.


Command xslt


xslt executes an XSLT version 2.0 transformation and print the result


xslt [ serialization options ] [options] [-v var value [var value]]


-f,-file xslt-file read xslt script from file
-i,-input context use context as the source xml document, otherwise stdin if context is an XML expression which is an item then use it directly as the context item.
-c,-context contextUse context as a literal context
-cf,-context-file fileUse file as the name of an XML file for the context, or "-" for stdin
-n do not use a source context
-v if -v is given then the remaining args are treated as name/value pairs and assigned to xslt external variables

Supports the standard [ serialization options ]

-i is depreciated. It is a convenience option that does the following
-c or -cf are suggested which explicitly indicate if to use the expression literally or as a filename


xslt -f /path/file.xsl -i foo.xml

Return Value

Returns 0 if the the xslt executed successfully. otherwise 1


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