Revision [1738]

This is an old revision of ModuleMarkLogic made by DavidLee on 2011-06-02 08:34:14.


Mark Logic Module

Connectivity to a Mark Logic server is supported with an extension module.

Mark Logic support is via an Extension Module. It must be downloaded separately from xmlsh and added to the classpath in order to run.


Mark Logic extension module is on sourceforge in the marklogic_ext package under xmlsh.
Dowload the latest binary from xmlsh files
Choose the "marklogic_ext" folder and download the latest release.

You also need the "xcc.jar" file from MarkLogic Developer Page (the Java XCC Distribution)


The current MarkLogic extension (1.12) requires xmlsh version 1.1.5 or greater.


Import the marklogic extension in xmlsh with an "import module" statement.
The module can be found using the XMODPATH variable or explicitly by specifying the module.xml file

Copy the files (marklogic_ext.jar, xcc.jar, module.xml) to a directory named "marklogic" as a sub-directory of any path in the XMODPATH directory.
Then import the module using the "import module" command

Assuming you put the marklogic files in the directory /usr/local/xmlsh/ext/marklogic

   import module ml=marklogic


To run Mark Logic commands you need to configure the connection information to access your Mark Logic server. All the Mark Logic commands require an environment variable, MLCONNECT to specify the connection. The format is the URI used by the XCC API.


Note: the Port is the port number of an XDBC "Host" defined on the Mark Logic server.

$ MLCONNECT=xcc://me:password@server:8003/Test

Instead of using an environment variable, you can also pass in the connection URI as a command argument using -c or -connect

ml:query -c xcc://me:password@server:8003/Test -q "'Hello World'"

SSL / xccs

Starting with version 1.10 (2010-12-25) the MarkLogic extension module supports SSL connections to 4.1 or later servers. SSL is enabled by using the "xccs://" scheme (instead of "xcc://").

Currently only SSL Encryption, not Client and server certificate chain validation is supported.


Your now ready to run Mark Logic commands from within xmlsh.

The following commands are supported

createdirCreates directories
delDeletes documents
deldirDeletes directories
direxistsTests whether a directory exists
existsTests whether a document exists
getGets documents from the server
get-permissionsList document permissions
invokeInvokes a remotely stored query
listLists documents
listdirLists directories
putPuts one or more files to the server
queryInvokes an ad-hoc query
renameRenames (moves) a document
set-permissionsSet document permissions

Extension Modules

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