======Calabash XProc Extension Module====== The Calabash xproc implementation is supported as an extension module to xmlsh. This allows running xproc pipelines from within the same JVM as xmlsh and using native xmlsh syntax. For example, input and output ports in xproc are supported via named ports in xmlsh. =====Download===== Calabash extension module is on sourceforge in the calabsh_ext package under xmlsh. Download the latest binary from [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlsh/files/]]. Look under the "calabash_ext" folder. This module requires at least version 1.1.8 of xmlsh =====Installation===== To run this module you must include the supplied calabash_ext.jar as well as the following jar files required for calabas calabash.jar Calabash runtime from http://xmlcalabash.com/download/ Calabash optionally uses the following additional files beyond what is included in xmlsh commons-httpclient-3.1.jar commons-loggin-1.1.1.jar commons-logging-api-1.1.1.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar See http://hc.apache.org/httpclient-3.x/dependencies.html for list of dependancies For HTTP support include the Commons HTTP client from http://hc.apache.org/downloads.cgi Also requires the commons logging jar from http://commons.apache.org/downloads/download_logging.cgi Also requries common codec from http://commons.apache.org/downloads/download_codec.cgi isorelax.jar For relax-ng support, ISO Relax from http://sourceforge.net/projects/iso-relax/ Other jar's may be needed for optional components, see the calabash web site for details msv.jar tagsoup-1.2.jar For PDF support you may need a free or commercial license for RenderX XEP from http://services.renderx.com/Content/tools/xep.html xep.jar Place above jar files in the same directory as calabash_ext.jar and module.xml Alternatively you can edit module.xml and change the paths to the Dependant jars. =====Importing===== Import the calabash extension in xmlsh with an "import module" statement The module can be found using the XMODPATH variable or explicitly by specifying the module.xml file e.g. XMODPATH=/usr/local/xmlsh/ext import module calabash or import module /usr/local/xmlsh/ext/calabash/module.xml the following commands are supported xproc Example. Assuming that XMODPATH refers to a directory which includes the "calabash" directory which in turn includes the module.xml and the dependant jars. %% $ import module calabash %% Or you can use a prefix for the module %% $ import module c=calabash %% =====Configuring ===== If you want to configure calabash, you can do so as documented in the Calabash Home page. It runs fine without any configuration. =====Running===== Your now ready to run xproc from within xmlsh. The following commands are supported - [[CalabashXproc xproc]] ---- [[Modules Extension Modules]]