======Mark Logic Command: get-permissions ====== List permissions of documents from a Mark Logic server ====Synopsis==== get-permissions [options] document [document ...] ====Options==== ||-c,-connect uri||Use the connection string instead of $MLCONNECT|| ||-t||Use text for serialization instead of XML. Required for non-xml documents|| ||document||uri of the document to list permissions|| ====Description==== Lists permissions of the specified documents. This is a convenience routine wrapping xdmp:document-get-permissions and sec:get-role-names. The output is more readable then either. Documents are specified by the URI used to store the document ====Example==== Assuming the prefix "ml" is imported as the marklogic module, gets the "test.xml" document and prints to stdout %% ml:get-permissions test.xml %% Result %% %% ---- [[ModuleMarkLogic MarkLogic Extension Module]]