
""<table width="100%"  border="0">
	<td width="260"><img src="http://xmlsh-org-release.s3.amazonaws.com/site/xmlsh.jpg" width="240" ></td>
	<td ><h1>XMLSH</h1>
	<p>A command line shell for XML<br>
	  Based on the philosophy and design of the 
	Unix Shells </p><p>
	xmlsh provides a familiar scripting environment, but specifically tailored for scripting xml processes.</p>
	Github Project: <a href="https://github.com/xmlsh/xmlsh1_3">https://github.com/xmlsh/xmlsh1_3</a><br/>
	<p>LatestBinaries <a href="http://xmlsh-org-downloads.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/archives/release-1_3_1/">http://xmlsh-org-downloads.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/archives/release-1_3_1/</a><br/>
	<a href="http://blog.xmlsh.org ">XMLSH Blog</a><br/>
	<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlsh/">Download</a></p>

This project is managed in GitHub.  See the [[https://github.com/xmlsh/xmlsh1_3 XMLSH 1.3 GitHub Repository]].
The latest stable release in 1.3.1.

Binaries for the 1.3.1 branch can be downloaded at: http://xmlsh-org-downloads.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/archives/release-1_3_1/

The 1.3 branch will remain in maintenance but is no longer actively developed.
XMLSH 2.0 is in progress but not ready for production use.  
See the [[https://github.com/xmlsh/xmlsh XMLSH 2.0 GitHub Repository]].




The xmlsh projects have been moved to the "xmlsh" organization on Github.

The latest release of xmlsh 1.3.1. on 2015-06-15.
Only the aws and marklogic extensions are built for this release
1.3.1 is branched on Githup at https://github.com/xmlsh/xmlsh1_3
Binaries are available at http://xmlsh-org-downloads.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/archives/release-1_3_1/

XMLSH 2.0 is under development. 
I will update this page when it is ready for release, in the meantime the 1.3.1 branch is the recommended release.

[[http://www.marklogic.com Mark Logic]] server is supported via an extension module, see [[ModuleMarkLogic MarkLogic]]
[[http://www.xmlcalabash.com Calabash Xproc]] processor is supported via an extension module, see [[ModuleCalabash Calabash]]

XMLSH now has a [[http://blog.xmlsh.org Blog]] as an attempt to less formally journal the progress.

I gave a presentation about xmlsh at Balisage (previously "Extreme XML") conference, August 13, 2008.
See [[http://www.balisage.net/Program.html#w1100l Balisage Program]]

I co-presented a presentation with Norman Walsh at [[http://www.balisage.net Balisage 2009]] on [[Balisage2009 Efficient XML Scripting]]

[[http://sourceforge.net/projects/xmlsh/ Download]]
[[BasicSyntax Basic Syntax]] 
[[HowTo How To Guide]]
[[XMLExpressions XML Expressions]]
[[SaxonSupport Saxon HE and EE Support]]

====Other ways of using xmlsh====

[[AntTask Calling from Ant]]
[[EmbeddingXmlsh Embedding xmlsh]]
[[EmbeddingServlet Embedding as as Servlet]]

====Commands and Functions====
[[Commands]] includes [[CommandsPosix Posix]] and [[CommandsExperimental Experimental]] commands
[[Functions]] includes Internal, [[FunctionsXS XS]], and [[FunctionsStAX StAX]] functions

====XPath Extensions====
[[XPathExtension XPath Extensions]]

====Extension Modules====
[[ModuleMarkLogic MarkLogic]]
[[ModuleCalabash Calabash XProc]]
[[ModuleExist eXist]]
[[ModuleAWS  Amazon AWS Services]]
[[ModuleJSON JSON]]

====Predefined XQuery Function Modules====
[[ModuleFunctx functx XQuery module]]

====Native Java Objects====
[[JavaObjects Using Native Java Objects]]

====Scripting streamable XML with ""StAX"" functions====
[[FunctionsStAX StAX Functions]]

====XMLSHI GUI====
[[XmlshGUI Simple GUI for xmlsh]]

====Other Fun Things====

A recent interview with Steve Bourne about the "Bourne Shell" (sh).
[[http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/279011/-z_programming_languages_bourne_shell_sh Bourne Shell Interview]]
[[http://xml.calldei.com XML Resources page from DEI]]
Four part series on xmlsh at [[http://xmltoday.org/]]

[[ReportBugs Report Bugs]]
[[Contact Contact the author]]
""<a href="http://www.twitter.com/DALDEI"><img src="http://twitter-badges.s3.amazonaws.com/follow_me-a.png" alt="Follow DALDEI on Twitter"/></a>""


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