=====Function newStreamWriter===== This function is part of the [[FunctionsStAX StAX]] support. ====Name==== **newStreamWriter** creates a new ""StAX"" [[http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriter.html XMLStreamWriter]] Object ====Synopsis==== newStreamWriter( [file] ) ====Description==== newStreamWritercreates an instance of a ""StAX"" [[http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamWriter.html XMLStreamWriter]] object initialized to write to the standard output port, or if supplied, a file. The result object should be stored in a variable for use by other [[FunctionsStAX StAX Functions]]. This object is actually a real instance of the ""XMLStreamWriter"" interface, and you can use the [[JavaObjects Java Objects]] method call syntax to access it, it is easier and more efficient to use the functions in the [[FunctionsStAX StAX Functions]] which provide a higher level interface. To use the ""StAX"" functions you need to [[CommandImport import]] them into either the global namespace or a local namespace. Its recommended that you use a local namespace so that there is less chance of name collisions. Example %% import commands stax=stax w=stax:newStreamWriter() stax:writeStartDocument $w stax:writeStartElement $w QName( xmlsh http://www.xmlsh.org/test1 test ) stax:writeNamespace $w xmlsh2 http://www.xmlsh.org/test2 stax:writeAttribute $w QName( xmlsh2 http://www.xmlsh.org/test2 a1) value1 stax:writeCharacters $w "Some Characters" stax:writeComment $w "This is a comment" stax:writeStartElement $w inner stax:writeCData $w "This is CData" stax:writeEndElement $w stax:writeEndElement $w stax:writeEndDocument $w stax:closeWriter $w %% ---- [[Commands]] [[FunctionsStAX StAX Functions]] [[JavaObjects Java Objects]]