=====Function QName===== This function is part of the core function set. ====Name==== **QName** creates a QName object (The saxon Java object net.sf.saxon.s9api.QName) ====Synopsis==== QName( localname ) QName( clarkname ) QName( uri localname ) QName( prefix uri localname ) ====Description==== Creates a QName object with one of the three above constructors. This can be used to pass QNames directly to [[CommandXquery xquery]] or <[ ]> or [[FunctionStAXhasNext stax:hasNext]] or any function or command that expects a QName literal. ""QName"" variables can be inspected by using the [[JavaObjects java objects]] instance method syntax. The one argument case can take either a local name or a full QName in [[QNameClarkNotation Clark notation]]. Example %% q=QName( prefix http://foo.bar local ) echo $q echo q.getPrefix() echo q.getLocalName() echo q.getNamespaceURI() %% Result %% prefix:local prefix local http://foo.bar %% ---- [[Commands]] [[Functions]]