eXist Command: put

Puts a resources to an eXist server


put [exist options] [file or value ...]


Puts resources to an eXist server.
Resources are specified by the relative or absolute path.
Resources may be specified by filename or by value. If the resource argument is an atomic value then it is assumed to be a file or port name, otherwise it is taken literally as the value of the resource.

Exist Options

The put command accepts all eXist Common Options

-uri uriSpecifies the uri to store the resource
-baseuri baseuriSpecifies the base uri (collection) to store the resources
-t,-textOutputs the result as text. Equivalent to -contentType text/plain
-b,-binaryOutputs the result as binary. Equivilent to -contentType application/octet-stream
-x,-xml Outputs the result as xml. Equivalent to -contentType text/xml

One and only one of -uri or -baseuri must be specified.
If -uri is specified and no additional arguments are present then standard input is used as the resource content.
If -baseuri is specifed then the resource content must come from a named file, and the basename of that file is used as the name of the resource within the collection (base uri).


Assuming the prefix "e" is imported as the exist module, put the xml value <elem/> into the resource test.xml

e:put -uri test.xml <[ <elem/> ]>
e:get test.xml


Puts the text "Hello World" into the resource "hello.txt"
echo "Hello World" | e:put -uri test.txt
e:get test.txt

Hello World

Puts all .xml files in the current directory into the collection /db/test

e:put -baseuri /db/test *.xml 


put is implemented using the REST protocol using the PUT method

See http://exist.sourceforge.net/devguide_rest.html

eXist Extension Module
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