======eXist Command: invoke====== invokes a stored query on an eXist server ====Synopsis==== invoke [exist options] [options] query-uri ====Description==== Invokes a stored query residing on an eXist server. In order for a resource to be used with invoke it must be stored with the Content-Type of "application/xquery". ====Options==== The invoke command accepts all [[ExistCommonOptions eXist Common Options]] ||-d,-data file||Supplies the contents of "file" as the input data to the stored query|| ||-raw||Outputs the results without any parsing. Supplying -d assumes -raw|| If -d or -data is specified then the file (or standard input if "-") is supplied to the query. Otherwise no data is supplied to the query. ====Example==== Assuming the prefix "e" is imported as the exist, invokes the stored procedure "run.xquery" %% e:invoke run.xquery %% For example storing the query "1 to 5,'hi'," then invoking it. %% echo "1 to 5,'hi'," | e:put -uri /db/test/run.xquery -contentType application/xquery e:invoke /db/test/run.xquery %% Result %% 1 2 3 4 5 hi %% ====Implementation==== invoke is implemented using the REST protocol using the GET and POST methods. When no -data argument is supplied then GET is used and the result is wrapped by eXist into a structure which is parsed as XDM values (unless -raw is specified). When a -data argument is supplied then POST is used and the resulting data is returned in the raw as text. See [[http://exist.sourceforge.net/devguide_rest.html]] ---- [[ModuleExist eXist Extension Module]]