=====Command xdelete===== ====Name==== **xdelete** Deletes nodes (element,text,attribute) from an XML document ====Synopsis==== **xdelete** [options] Deletes all nodes matching the expression given ====Options==== ||-e,-xpath xpath-expr||xpath expression|| ||-m,matches matches-expr||XSLT matches expression|| ====Description==== xdelete is a simple front end to the [[CommandXed xed]] command which deletes all matching nodes, expressed as either a XSLT matches expression or an xpath expression. Example: delete the path attribute from all file elements from xls %% xls | xdelete -m @path %% Result (when run on root xmlsh directory) %%(xml) %% ====Implementation==== The xdelete command is implemented as a built-in xsh script %%(sh) xed -d "$@" %% ====Return Value==== Returns 0 if the command executed successfully, 1 if there was an error. ---- [[Commands]] [[CommandXed xed]] [[CommandXAddattribute xaddattribute]] [[CategoryCommands]] [[CommandsPosix]]