======Command xcat====== ====Name==== **xcat** combine and concatenate XML files to a single XML document ====Synopsis==== xcat [ [[SerializationOptions serialization options]] ] [-w string|element ] [-r] [file ...] ====Description==== Concatenates one or more XML files into a single xml fiile. ||-w string ||Wraps each xml file with an element named "string"|| ||-w element ||Wraps each xml file with the specified element|| ||-r||Removes root element|| Supports the standard [ [[SerializationOptions serialization options]] ] If no files are specified, then stdin is read. If no file or one file is specified and no -w argument is given, the file is parsed and serialized without wrapping. If a -w argument is given the the file is wrapped with a container element. If the -r argument is specified then the root element is stripped from each file, if -r is specified and no -w argument then if there is more then one file and/or more then one child of root then this produces an error. ====Streaming==== The xcat command is streamable. Input and output is created in streaming mode so there is no memory limit to how large the input or output documents can be. ---- [[Commands]] [[CategoryCommands]]