======Command http====== ====Name==== **http** http client ====Synopsis==== http [options] ====Options==== ===Requests=== ||-get url|| performs an HTTP GET|| ||-put url|| performs an HTTP PUT|| ||-post url|| performs an HTTP POST|| ||-delete url|| performs an HTTP DELETE|| ||-trace url|| performs an HTTP TRACE|| ||-head url|| performs an HTTP HEAD|| ||-options url|| performs an HTTP OPTIONS|| If no request options are supplied then -get is assumed. ===Connection Options=== ||-connectTimeout time|| Sets the connection timeout|| ||-contentType content-type|| Sets the content type in the request property|| ||-readTimeout time|| Sets the read timeout|| ||-useCaches,+useCaches||Turns on (off) caching|| ||-followRedirects,+followRedirects||Turns on (off) redirection|| ||-user username|| Authenticates with username|| ||-password password|| Authenticates with password|| ||-H,-add-header name=value|| Adds a HTTP header|| ||-disableTrust protocol||Disables certificate trust validate for the specified procol|| ||-keystore filename||Path to keystore for local client certificates|| ||-keypass pass||Passphrase for keystore|| ||-sslproto||Override the default (SSLv3) protocol for use when -keystore is used|| Time is specified in seconds, and can be fractional such as 2.5 If username and password are both supplied then Basic Authentication is used. For -put and -post the standard input is read and used as the input to the HTTP command. For all commands the output of the HTTP command is sent to standard output. ====Examples==== %%(shell) http -get http://www.xmlsh.org %% ====Return Value==== Returns 0 if the is return code of the request is 200, otherwise returns the return code ---- [[Commands]] [[CategoryCommands]] [[CommandsExperimental]]