Calabash Command: xproc

Executes an xproc pipeline


xproc [options] pipeline


Executes an xproc pipeline

pipeline The name of the xproc pipeline filel, or an inline xproc pipeline (as an xml expression)


-b,-base uriOverride the base-uri of the xproc pipeline file (to simulate executing a remote pipeline from a local file)
-nNo input. Do not read any input ports for pipeline input
-iw,-iwrapExpect input documents to be wrapped by a root node. This allows a sequence of documents on an input port.
-ow,-owrapWrap output documents with a root node "wrap". This allows a sequence of documents on an output port
-o,-option name=valuePass an option to the pipeline. May occur multiple times

Inputs and Outputs

Pipeline inputs and outputs are taken from the implicit and named inputs to the command.

The following implicit ports are passed

stdin - Passed as the "source" input port
stdout - Passed as the "result" output port
stderr - Passed as the "error" output port

Additional input and output ports may be assigned using xmlsh named ports. For example to assign the "alternate" port from the file alternate.xml as well setting the source input from input.xml

$ xproc test.xpl  <input.xml (alternate)<alternate.xml


Like most xmlsh commands, anywhere an input file is expected, a file, uri, expression, port, or variable expression may be used instead.
See CommandRedirect for specifics on redirection.

Note: Parameter ports are not yet supported. They will be supported in a future version ("really really soon").

Calabash Extension Module

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