======Calling from Ant====== xmlsh can be called from ant as a custom ant task. The xmlsh task is defined using an the task. See the ant docs on [[http://ant.apache.org/manual/develop.html Writing your Own Task]]. The task defines the name for the xmlsh task, the class name and the classpath to xmlsh.jar An example of a taskdef for calling xmlsh %% %% You can then call xmlsh by using the task. Xmlsh scripts can be called by filename, or by embedding the script. If calling by filename then the arguments may be specified using the element. An example of calling the xmlsh script "test.xsh" passing 2 argumuments %% %% The xmlsh script can be passed inline as text content to the task. This should be enclosed in a CDATA section if it contains special XML charactors ( < , & ) which are common in xmlsh scripts. A simple example with no special charactors %% xls %% An example with special charactors %% output.xml ]]> %%